Good morning this Tatting Tea Tuesday! It's a good day - the sun has come out! Yea!!
It has been raining here the last few days, but only about 4 -5 inches instead of the 10 inches they had in Oklahoma City a few days ago. And not as much as a few other places here in Kansas. And now it looks like we have a chance for a few days without rain - maybe. Now it's just hot and muggy.
I've re-started on my doily, this time in Lizbeth Springtime and black, both in size 20. This is as far as it's gotten after starting it last week. I haven't taken a lot of time to tat lately. I did finish the round this morning - the tatting part of this Tuesday, while drinking my favorite mint tea. I may have to put off working on this for a little while as there's another project that needs to be done in a short amount of time. I'll share that when I have some progress to report on. But I do like the look of this so far.
I thought I'd share a picture of my blogging buddies. And tatting buddies. And TV watching buddies - pretty much when I sit down in my chair buddies. Cat 1 is on the arm and Cat 2 is on the seat beside me. They'd both be on my lap if I let them.
Looking forward to doing a little more tatting this week - I can hope!Labels: buddies, doily, Tatting Tea Tuesday